Thursday, 20 March 2014

Hi everyone....

My name is Christian, I am 22 years old and currently I am studying in the beautiful city Bamberg in Bavaria/Germany.

 The reason why I created this blog?

I want to motivate myself  to focus more on my two goals: Gaining more weight (especially muslce mass) and endurance.
Furthermore I will measure my times, BMI, body fat percentage, weight and body mass regulary to see where I stand.

In addition this can be seen as a platform for people who have (reached) the same goals. So feel free to share this blog, to put in your comments below or to submit your E-Mail in the field on the left.
I am thankful for every little input.

Why in English?

Well as I am German, most of the readers will be probably as well. But nevertheless English is a language to connect the whole world. And it is planned to participate not only in national runs. Longterm English may be the better choice.
Besides it's another great opportunity to increase language skills.

HOW do you plan to reach your fitness level?

Good Question. First of all I differ between strength and endurance training.
For the strength training I bought some equipment:

(scroll the mouse over the picture)

mat, 2 x 5kg weights; 2x 0.5 kg weights (for running)

For the endurance training I will take part in different public runs to see where I stand compared with others in competition. In addition I will increase my daily route step by step and note my best times.

Another important factor ( probably the most important): nutrition.
Beside showing how to train and where I stand I will post different articles about how to adapt my nutrition to reach these goals.
In addition I will report my experience with different supplements and discuss pros and cons.

WHERE do you stand NOW?

Starting Data:

height: 192cm
weight: 74kg
BMI: 20,1
Body-Mass: 90-80-92 ( nearly dream mass..... for a woman :( )
BFP: 5%

 My last run was two weeks ago: 5km Kaiserdomlauf Bamberg; time: 23:48min.

And thats how my torso looks like NOW

 So this is the time, photo and data where I stand now. So excited to see how it will (hopefully) develop  in the next couples of months...

RUN FASTER! DREAM BIGGER! Further Goals: I wish hope will get a job as a male model for a magazine and if everything works out I maybe wish dream will run the New York City Marathon!

These can be seen as LIFE goals! No matter if in five, ten or fifteen years ;-)

My current fav Workout Track:

 Imo the best motivational video:

So far as a little Introduction. No worries, this is only a slight overview. There will follow much more posts with details!

Now let's start this: RUN THIS SHIT!!!


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